so i went for a nap, like i planned to nap from 8.30-9.30pm, buut, seemed like I've slept all night long. and my report editing hasnt finished too!
Maybe its just because Amy and I played badminton yesterday, its really tiring. coz in Volleyball there are 5 other people with you, so you have less chance to get the ball, while in badminton you have to chase the shuttlecock yourself. besides, in volleyball, if you're just a beginner you'll get lesser chance getting the ball than the "all-star" players, yup, thats their name. like, a guy who's one of the all-stars even said to someone else, like, "X, cover that area so we can overcome the weakness". Yes, I was at that area. Yes, I was the weakness. sheesh, I know I'm just a beginner and I'm not good at all at volleyball, but calling me a weakness, behind my back, in front of my face? it just feels kinda like a stab to the heart. oh well, i just felt kinda annoyed at that time, I would never let such things slow me down. i still love volleyball too~ hehe
today, i woke up quite early, continued editing the project and stuff, then went out to sushi king for lunch. totally love that place! XD then had a walk, window shopping and just had fun.
the pic is blur coz Mel's scared of getting told off by the shop owner XD
oh and the red jacket that i've been eyeing is having a 50% off!!! SADLY, the jacket didnt fit me well!!! i felt like crying T.T! and Primavera was having a sale too! i love a white pair of leather mary-janes but the shoes didnt really call out to me, like they're NOT the ones. when there're the ones, you know you'll just HAVE to buy it! but its okay though, im trying to save money for my new clothes anyways.. hee hee hee~oh, and last Thursday we had dermatology quiz. because its MCQ kinda quiz, I dont think I did too well. then Friday we had the end of posting exam. Dr. Annuar was the coordinator of the posting, so he was there~ he's SOOO cute too! X3 too bad its probably the last contact we had with him. he's leaving UNIMAS soon :(
anyways, tomorrow's Monday! my least favorite day of all days, except when there's a public holiday on Monday, that I like! so yeah, tomorrow we're going to a polyclinic. I've been there before in my school days, not the place i'd like to go as a patient. too many people, too long of a time to be spent waiting for your number to be called, doctors prescribing paracetamol to almost anything until there was a rumor going at our school that the paracetamol at the polyclinic was about to expire, so they're giving it away to people XD! how ridiculous!
so yeah, better read some things now, wont wanna do too many things at the last minute XD
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