Monday, March 9, 2009

back from the dead

the death of my internet, that is! the college's internet has been down for a loooong time! seems like the technicians are just sitting around eating donuts instead of taking care of the internet thingy =.=

and, few days ago, my broadband internet has also gone haywired. sometimes it couldnt connect at all and sometimes the connection was really slow that i cant even download a simple JPEG image. *sigh* thankfully, yesterday a miracle happened! so yeah, im glad its working now. i havent updated my blog for a week. a LOT has happened and if i was to write all of them, they might sound like a verbal diarrhea XD.

so so..the important stuff, hm...

Pet Society! I'm totally addicted to this game. I've reached quite high of a level now *yay me!* and I just need to collect some money coz I want to buy furnitures and a hat for my pet~~ ^^

oh, and its been a week over since we got back from Serian. I miss the waterfall!!! I miss having the convenience of jumping into the cool water whenever we want because of the hot weather!! and now, I'm in dermatology posting! its like one of the busiest posting EVER! clinic and class from morning to evening, every day! and the doctors there are quite strict. great doctors always are! dermatology is quite interesting, despite the busy and tight schedule. we've got to see loads of cases, interesting cases. skin problems are really common among us. sometimes people go to alternative way like going to beauticians or traditional medications, and end up getting worse and present to the dermatology clinic with all the complications. its really sad that not many people have the awareness to seek medical treatment, and it can be treated easily if detected early. like this one case, an elderly woman, with psoriasis. she lives with her husband in the rural area, quite far from the hospital. and she missed the appointment by 3 weeks because her children couldnt take her to the hospital (maybe transport or money problem? also lack of knowledge of the disease). then she presented to the clinic with erythroderma, the psoriasis has affected more than 90% of her body, and also her eyelids, affecting her blinking, drying her eyes, making it more susceptible to infection, leading to inflammation, leading to pain and discomfort and could be complicated by ulcerations. she is also very thin, weak and has to be on a wheelchair. also she seems to have advanced cataracts, so she couldnt see. Dr. Felix referred her to the ophthalmologist, and she's admitted to a hospital nearer to her house. i really feel sorry for the old lady. kinda like, regretful that a preventable thing is not stopped and now its kinda hard to reverse all that.

moral of the story: seek treatment early!

but, in this part of the world, not all people can afford the medical bills. many of them cant even afford the transport fees from their home to the hospital since they cant afford to buy their own vehicles and their places are like hours, some even take half a day just to make it to the hospital.

and we have to understand their ignorance of the diseases. maybe the health education here isn't so extensive? many of the people still believe in animistic doings. its when its already too late that they go to the hospital. so you cant really blame it all on them. they dont go to medical school.

its kinda sad to think that a lot of people are in dire need of health education and medical treatment but they couldnt get it. hope this can change in the future.

anyways, i've been learning to play volleyball, and i've been playing it almost every evening for the past week. i can serve pass the net now, and i've just got to improve on getting the ball and stuff. its pretty fun! we always laughed a lot, i think thats the most tiring thing XD. except for a killjoy, he's like taking things too seriously and stuff. he even said that its weird that we're always laughing. like, wth?! he's the mostest most boring guy EVER! i hate being in the same team as him, he's always asking other guys to get the ball because he gets upset whenever i couldnt get the ball. like, how am i suppose to learn that way?! its like he's sucking all the joy in the air. and he's not all that good :P. well, minus him, im loving volleyball! the other guys are all funny! and though my arms are bruised now, they're not as painful as when i first started playing. God! that was torture! my arms were all swollen and i was like screaming everytime i hit the ball (screaming inside XD). when the pain subsided though, the joy comes~~ XD

oh oh, finally, its Maulidurrasul today, its the celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad pbuh~

thats all for my long update. gotta read something tonight. jaa ne~!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at least u still have ur broadband~~ i have to go to the fac just to go ol.. argh!! btw.. the killjoy boy.. i hate being in the same team with him oso~~ huuu... & i dont mind ur plagiarism at all.. hehe..