Friday, December 5, 2008

hi hi~
its the start of the weekend!! YAY~! ^^
this week surely flew by me reaally fast!

anyways, yesterday, I presented for the journal reading session, representing Group 1. Our topic was something like "group based exposure therapy for war-related post traumatic stress disorder". we only had one day prior to prepare all the slides, and mel and amy have so kindly helped me prepare the slides, even though i usually prefer to make my own slides so i'd understand every word im saying. but thats an emergency case, and im really grateful to amy n mel *domo domo arigato* XD

anyways, the most important point here is... my lecturer, Dr. Siti the clinical psychologist, praised our presentation. she said its really good despite our lack of time for the preparation. im so proud of myself and our group! ^^

aand...right now im watching a bit of Survivor season 17. its really cool! as expected from Survivor!! this time, its held at some place in Africa named Gabon. its one of the places on earth that is still UNTOUCHED! its really cool and beautiful! the greeneries, the animals, the natural structures are just breathtaking. there are elephants, hippoes, crocs, monkeys, chimpanzees, cheetahs and all the other African animals. its definitely one of the places that i'd like to go in the future. cant wait to start working! it feels so good to know that you can dream and the dreams can come true XD

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