yup, i was sooooo stressed out coz of the coming exam and our reports deadline. and the virus infection. and my allergy. they're just driving me crazy. lets not forget some people who have succeeded in annoying me. i dont usually care about other people that much, but these oogerboogers is just driving me nuts. i dont even know if im the target or the collateral damage. they just know how to make me tick!. omg, someone knows my weaknesses!*gasp*
well, its really nothing..its just annoying, like an addictive parasite. you hate them but they interest you. maybe thats just coz i dont have anything much yet, for distraction. urgh, i need to get that over with. lets torture some other people. XD
kk, all those whatever-thingy aside, one of my blog's fans! told me that i've gone on a "MASSIVE BLOGGING". well, i AM back, so, heck yeah I'm gonna go crazy and massive blog! XD
oh oh, and last night, i was so bored, i put on some make up and dressed up as the girly L. it'd be interesting, wouldnt it? well, anything boys can do, girls can do better right? X3
but the pics are not available~ but i'd tell you, i kinda did a good job! but they're just for my darkly-made-up eyes only~~ and my sister's and my besties' and my goodies' (i cant help but to show off X3)
*trying so hard not to think of my unpreparedness to go to the exam battle on wednesday. aaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!*
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