Monday, November 3, 2008


urgh..i really hate this too-much-drama environment. juicy drama? i dont mind. stupid drama? GET ME OUT OF HERE!!

I SOOO wanna go somewhere new, like i wanna really run away, leaving behind all the unwanted, unnecessary emotional burden. i wanna go somewhere, just relax and be myself around people who dont know me.

as much as i enjoy being in a spotlight, this time, i just feel like i wanna disappear. be invisible. like i wanna be alone. i wish i could go traveling to another country by myself, go sightseeing, shopping, relaxing, just doing nothing but enjoying myself. but of course, its quite dangerous for a girl to go ANYWHERE alone. its really frustrating!! >.<

then again, i might do surprising stuff in the future. who'd know? ^.~


Anonymous said...

hey there...
u seem frustrated. do u hav anything that u want 2 share? if u wanna talk, i'm always here 4 u.

Liyana said...

hum...its not really something..just kinda feel like im tired of this environment. kinda feel like i wanna see something new, something exciting and fresh. unlike this boring condition im in right now.

Anonymous said...

ic..i'll pray that u'll find that something soon. =) i thot ur life is full of glitz, surrounded by a whole bunch of close, interesting n understanding frens n all.

Liyana said...

well, blair dear, sometimes too much glitz can be sickening too ^.~

Anonymous said...

haha...well said, dear.. anyway, i hope that u'll have a good journey back to ur beloved pc, clothes n shoes. ;D