Happy Ramadhan to all Muslims! its 2nd of Ramadhan today. Gosh! I have tummy ache from over eating at break of fast just now! >.<
Anyway, I had my 2nd on call last tuesday. there were 10 patients coming in at that time. I was sleepless in Miri that night! its really tiring, and mind boggling. Like, after some time, my brain just got puzzled and mushed up and all confused. Its a little overwhelming, but I made it through, somehow. Then, after work, I went and bought some food, then ate my sungkey, and right after Isya' prayer, I crashed till morning.
I kinda thought it'd be tiring working as a doctor during the fasting month, but I think work is a good distraction from hunger. also, in SCN its always cold, so I think its kinda nice.
oh, also, there are 2 new taggers who just came in yesterday. gosh, I'd never wanted ever to remember the feeling of total cluelessness during that period!
oh, and I still hate how slow my brain works sometimes. like, when the specialist asked questions, it'd take some time for me to process, like, I know the answer, but urgh.. I hate my brain.
and, because of some unfortunate event, I had to prepare a presentation about acute glomerulonephritis tomorrow! urgh! If I present like shit, I'd might as well jump off the window! thats how I hate myself for screwing up too much!
anyway, I'd better get started on the presentation thingy. jaa~
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