Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Last Stand

Thank God that my friends and I have passed our last end of posting exams. Its been a morale boost for us, to make it through this study period. Now, it all depends on the FINAL PROFESSIONAL EXAM! Wishing all my batchmates good luck!!

this pic is taken when we're in our 3rd year in Sibu, when we're still beaming and shiny (haven't really known the hellish toughness of clinical stuff)! seems like forever ago! and god, I miss those pants!(RIP) huhu


Anonymous said...

hahah.. innocent lil things~~ =))
Thank god we all made it this far and hope we'll get it through prof exam =)

Anonymous said...

what happened to those pants? haha

Liyana said...

@mel: yeah, hope we all pass!!

@sarah: hum...its kinda sad, it was torn at the leg side (the cloth was a bit thin), remember when I had to wear lab coat to the hospital cafe in sibu?? sadly the torn side was not at the seams, the cloth just torn, so its irreparable! its a sad moment when I had to let it go!!

Anonymous said...

oooohhhh.. i remember now! klakar gel ok..
hehe... mentioning pasal cafe.. i miss the teh-c-peng special!!!

Liyana said...

oh gosh! smpi skrg kte xpenah jmpe yg blh lwn teh c peng special sibu tu!!!! n rojak yg kt permai tu! so heavenly! tp, dnga2 dh ttp dh kedai tu..huhu