Monday, March 1, 2010

Defeating Dr. Edgar Zomboss!

....with Plants! haha~

yup, I'm totally CRAZY about this game.

this game consists of 5 main parts.
1. Adventure mode. where you can choose plants, each with its own strength and weakness, to protect your home against zombies. the zombies also come with different types, each with its own strength and weakness too. there are 5 levels: day, pool, night, fog and roof. each requires different strategies with different zombies attacking and different choice of plants needed.

2. Mini games: LOTS of them, some of my favorites are zombotany, wallnut bowling and beghouled!
3. Puzzles: 2 main parts, breaking vases and I, Zombie
4. Survival: Play a long-term, strategic game against zombies.
5. Zen Garden: They awarded you with plants to keep in your zen garden. Its fun to collect them

oh, btw, Dr. Edgar Zomboss is kinda like the boss of the zombies, in which you'd encounter in a long, gruelling battle!

and lets not forget the cool, catchy music video at the end of the game! XD

So, yeah, this game totally ROCKS!totally addictive, totally 5/5 stars! <3

p.s.: pics and video credit to

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