Monday, June 27, 2011

play pretend

when you've given up on making things actually better.
the other alternative, shut down your emotions
and play pretend :P

btw, my main distraction of my stress now is I'm gonna redecorate my bedroom.
Its a REAALLY messy place right now, just because I don't feel like tidying it up.'s gonna flip if she saw the state of my room right now :P
But, seriously, I wanna turn it into my sanctuary, relaxing, soothing, and totally ME! ME! ME!

Step 1: change curtain (plan on Saturday)
1. white curtain with black lace
2. black curtain
3. black and white damask curtain (seems like impossible to find this pattern though!! argh!)

alright, one step at a time..can't wait!!!

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