Thursday, April 23, 2009

coffee or tea?

"would you like some coffee or tea or me?"

the best pick-up line ever! (the cheesiest of course) XD


Blair said...

gasp! whats this all about dear???

Anonymous said...

haha.. a pick up line in hitz morning crew~~ ian & jay2 are sow stupidly FUNNY!! i like them!! (><)

Liyana said...

i LOVE those guys! XD

Blair said...

i see! n i thot that i'd soon b introduced to sum1 that used the line to u.. =D dont giv me a heart attack dear! if it happens, i want 2 b told personally, ok?! ^^

Ani Inherown said...

bes :D

Liyana said...

haha! you'll be the first to know.
its nice to hear some cheesy pick-up lines, ne? XD (losers keep out please XD)