Thursday, September 23, 2010

my 2 month anniversary~~

21 september -> OMG, its been 2 months since I started housemanship @ paediatrics, Miri Hospital.
its quite a long time, right? I still feel quite new sometimes..hehe..time flies too fast!
anyways, looking back for the past 2 months, I know things had not been easy for me. I regretted going to Miri. Like, why did I choose Miri? my reason was, I wanted to explore new environment and kinda like a new beginning to me. turned out its not as easy as I thought. lots of adaptations and changes needed to be made, lots of stupid mistakes, lots of self-doubt and confidence-suicide, all in all, lots of bad memories (bad physically, emotionally and psychologically)

But, I guess, there were lots of good memories too. I had my stockholm syndrome and started enjoying work here. I still hate my mistakes, but I learnt to accept that as a new doctor, mistakes are part and parcel of the learning process, its unavoidable. I learnt team work and I learnt to kinda like kids.

So yeah, I'm quite ok now.

Oh, yesterday was my on call.. It was a pretty cold night, figuratively and literally. I had fun. hehe

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