Friday, July 8, 2011


Humm...I don't understand people who's very negative! Like, people who are really judgmental, and love bitching maybe a little bit tooooo much!

okay, like, simple and usual example.
you work your ass off, EVERY single day, also covering for Sir Kissass-a-lot who has not been doing anything, but could get away with it, well, because, you know what.
then one day, you come late because you had to poop, because you have food poisoning really bad.
and your coworkers would be like

A: omg, that lazy son of a bitch, he ALWAYS takes any chance to not do work!
(then bitches B, C and D get reaaaally excited once a target is acquired!! they're practically lactating from all the hormonal and emotional imbalances)

B: OMG, A, seriously!! he NEVER does ANY work AT ALL. You know lah kan, he's from Kampung Oren. The people there are ALL lazy
(usage of totally unrelated and bias statement)

C:  I KNOW he's sitting around, drinking coffee at some kedai mamak. CONFIRMED!!
(usage of a totally presumptuous fiction)

D: org gemuk mcm tu, of coz la berak banyak!
(this one is just to bitch the bitchee's character)

etc. etc.

God! I really can't stand those kind of bitches. Who are overly negative the sight of their faces trigger the nausea part of your brain! And their eyes and ears are like scanners to detect any available target to bitch about.

I love bitching, but I don't look for any reason to. If I bump into someone that has given me the reason to bitch, I'll bitch. Otherwise, I like to remain happy and free and positive.

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