"Common side effects of antihistamines are drowsiness, , dizziness, restlessness, nervousness and upset stomach. Other side effects, which aren't as common are dry mouth, dry nose, irritability, difficulty urinating and blurred vision."
so, i took the tablet, and i felt quite drowsy so i took a nap.
i woke up an hour later as a monster!
my head felt like its splitting into 2 and its emitting lava, i had the worse palpitations ever i felt like my heart was going crazy. and the worse side effects ever:
the sight of my messy room seemed so revolting, and whispers sounded like a freaking rock concert to me, so to speak. i practically hated everything that came across my way.
and to make matter worse, the stupid 1st years were yelling (well, they actually thought they're singing) for the end of orientation night where they're supposed to make performances. and my roommate was singing (hurt my ear, head, and heart) until i couldnt even study in my own room because i couldnt concentrate. so i went to the living room, i studied peacefully for like, 5 minutes until my other housemates started chatting as if they're in separate rooms!
so i frowned, i sulked, i slammed every door i went through, i threw around some stuff and i ate. i ate a lot of fattening stuff until my stress was all gone and the antihistamine was metabolized in my body.
so now, i felt better. though the rage is still quite unforgettable. thank god amy came and talked to me for a bit and we talked and laughed about Kung Fu Panda. then i turned back to human.
and all is good ;P
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