Thursday, March 10, 2011

the first time I cut somebody

I'm Not a Cookie Cutter. I Cut the Cookies. And I'll Cut You.” -goth tyra

anyways, yesterday, I did my first Caesarean section. its a procedure housemen are encouraged to do while they're in ObGyn posting here in Miri Hospital. and of course, I wouldn't want to miss such a huge opportunities as such!

so yeah, yesterday I got my chance, so I did it under supervision of my MO. standing at the surgeon's side of the table, I kinda feel like a star, like the surgery is my first ever performance. I was sooo nervous before the op, and couldnt help thinking of the worst possible things. I know it sounds reaaaally dramatic, but yeah, its my first surgery, so its kinda a big deal for me :P

so yeah, I did it in like 55 minutes, with estimated blood loss of 400cc, which is pretty good for a first timer. and really, much thanks to my MO, Dr. Nazihah, who's really helpful in supervising me.

God, I'm sooo thankful to be given the chance to top-up my knowledge and experience. I so love myself right now. lol

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